Back in 2009, my friend Pete was racing pro, I was in the 18-24 category.
I’d spent the last 6 months learning from him – training, mindset… I absorbed (copied) everything.
And finally, we got to race together in October at the Ironman triathlon world champs in Hawaii.
There was this one spot running on the Queen K highway – it was like 40C and humid – crazy weather.
I was running on the “out” leg. I was starting to fatigue, my form was dropping – probably 40 minutes into the marathon… my entire body was melting – I was struggling.
Then, all of a sudden, I see Pete coming back the other way on the return leg…
Running like the wind. Light, fast (this guy runs sub 2:50 marathons off the bike…)
He throws a little “nod” and smile at me as we pass, relaxed as anything, and I remember thinking – “Right, I’m going to copy that.”
So once again, I copied him.
I stood up tall and copied his form, copied his posture, copied his smile…
Instantly my run was back, and I ended up hitting a PB for the distance and we got this grainy photo at the end.
Pete went on to win the whole world title in 2012.
At the end of the day we have to do the work ourselves. We have to run the race.
And, there is no way that I would’ve been standing there across the finish line without Pete’s friendship and mentoring over the year, the nuances I learned, and the smiling example he set when he flew past me.
Find or create an inner circle that almost scares you, then hang on for dear life. Copy everything you need to for as long as you need, until eventually you will naturally find your stride.