We Crave Experience

When you sit for coffee with a friend and their phone blurts out alerts for the next 30 minutes it can be pretty distracting.

We can pretend to not notice, but the shift of the eyes tells it all.

We continue to chat.

As a seperate discussion to what’s “appropriate” in this situation, what we’re also seeing here is a small reminder that as humans, we crave experience and entertainment.

You can call it the dopamine hit, engagement, or any other terminology.

But even when the 3D pipes screensavers came out in the school’s IT department, it became apparent that we love to watch, listen and feel new things.

We love novelty, humour, visual aesthetics, sounds and surprise.

Where is this going?

Well, if you are looking to educate, transform, enrol or make change with an audience, the culture is telling us that it’s likely helpful if you start learning how to entertain or enrich the process as well.

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