Email after email from “now online” service providers…
Right now there is an incredible rush to online platforms.
How can we connect with people and support them?
How can we move forward in this chaotic period?
How can we provide an innovative service?
Yet as consumers, we are more hesitant than ever to hand over our attention.
Even free offerings require discernment (and so they should, attention is a valuable resource)
So, of course, before we can enrol, we need to have trust.
This means that despite a topsy turvy market, once again, we are back to the beginning, exactly as before: we need to create trust with the people we want to serve.
While it would be nice to think that all of a sudden we can generously give away experiences and services online, “developing trust” – just like before – has a time element.
We need to consistently and generously create. We need to bring value.
The market doesn’t care that we “all of a sudden” show up because we have to.
The market cares if we are committed to staying here, and being of service.