20 Ideas to Eliminate Innovation

Creativity and innovation are key elements of what it means to create value and be in business.

So of course, in an ideal world, both hemispheres of our brains would leap at the opportunity to dive into this honey pot.

Alas, this rarely happens, for a number of reasons. Here are 12 ways to crush any hopes of innovation:

  1. Live within a social media bubble
  2. Lock yourself in a state of fight or flight
  3. Fall in love with the path of someone else
  4. Copy
  5. Fall in love with the way things were
  6. Overwork
  7. Need things to be perfect
  8. Stay behind a laptop screen
  9. Think things will be like this forever
  10. Stay within your four walls
  11. Avoid listening to others
  12. Reject empathy
  13. Fall in love with your industry
  14. Fill every minute of your calendar day
  15. Stay within one corner of the culture
  16. Discard new ideas
  17. Never take time off
  18. Consume more than you create
  19. Create a culture without feedback
  20. Need to be “right”
  21. Frown on those who make mistakes
  22. Consider yourself as boring
  23. Avoid talking to both the elderly, and kids
  24. Cut down others

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