My famous apple crumble.

I used to make a lot of apple crumbles. In fact, it got to the point where these were my signature desert.

One time I made one for my Dad and myself. I think we finished it off in one sitting, so, I had to make another one.

Anyway, there was a learning curve to getting the topping just right.

Yep, I know ingredient list is short, but alas, there is an art to the quantities and the spices.

When we want to start a new project, we can take it pretty seriously. We can cultivate some wild idea that the version 1.0 of the thing we are looking to create will somehow hit the mark.

Of course, this is ridiculous.

Sure, we might get a passable one-off, but we are kidding ourselves if we think we have any type of mastery.

By definition, learning takes place as we go, and the whole thing changes. Always.

The version that we grow with doesn’t look like the version that we start with.

Knowing this, how might we think or act differently before or during our first attempt?

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