When you turn up at your own wedding, how active and engaged do you plan to be?
If there was a scale from zero to ten, surely it’s on the upper end?
Now what about when you turn up at work on the day you need to deliver a presentation?
Still pretty high…
What about when you turn up on a zoom call?
Question mark?
Typically, our own patterns have led us to allocate a certain amount of engagement to certain environments and situations.
It makes sense, as some are more “important” to us than others.
But what if we introduced two questions:
- What is the engagement here actually for? What do I want to get out of it? Is it worth my time and energy? Is it for fun? For work?
- Now, if it’s worth my energy to turn up, how active and engaged will I choose to be? From zero to ten, what’s my number?
Knowing that it’s perfectly OK to choose a low number* if it’s a conscious choice, what do I choose?
What could happen if I dialled this up?
What could happen if I eliminated entire engagements?
*low levels of activity and engagement are fine, but generally speaking, showing up beats turning up.