The other side of side hustles.

For me, free diving is infinitely quiet.

It’s a place I can go to find silence. It’s the perfect balance between stillness and challenge.

The major attraction here is that even if there are others in the water, I’m alone.

See, the “side hustle” concept has merit:

Take the thing that you love, flip it in a way to bring value to others, and potentially monetise this value exchange. It can be powerful, transformative to the culture, and rewarding for the creator.

The problem is, sometimes the very reason we love the thing in the first place is because it’s simply a passion.

Because it’s something that feeds our soul on an individual level.

Deciding to take the passion from inside the home to outside in a shared way is powerful and transformative, but it’s also not essential.

And sometimes, it can destroy the very essence of why we love the activity in the first place.

You may want to write a book to sell it, or, you may just want to write a book.

Either path can create a lot of value.

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