12 Fun Projects as You Re-Emerge

We’re still kind of stuck in a mud-patch.

Small service businesses in particular have been spinning their wheels for some time, and while traction will come, often there’s a lethargy that remains.

Depending on the action that’s been taken in the last two months, coming out of the mud – particularly at a staff and cultural level – can be as difficult as when we first get stuck in it.

Here are 12 fun projects that could be helpful as we emerge out of a state of limbo.

  1. Superhero gift-cards – a personalised gift to your staff or clients who supported you during this time.
  2. Revamp your weekly meeting, and centre it on gratitude and recognition or “assists.” You do have a weekly meeting right?
  3. “How can I help?” Get clear on each team member’s (and your own) personal learnings and goals that have surfaced in this time.
  4. Launch a podcast, blog or newsletter. Use the re-emergence as an unveiling of Version 2.0 of your business and a newfound energy to share. If you already have a podcast, what does “better” look like?
  5. Hold a “lock-down” graduation – complete with speeches and maybe some cake. What did you learn from this time? What has changed for you and your staff?
  6. A road trip. Nothing re-sparks the feeling of freedom like a drive up or down the coast. Because you can.
  7. A curiosity crawl. By yourself, or with your staff – simply start at one end of your local small-biz strip and pop in to all of the small businesses as you go. Introduce yourself, find out what it is that they do? Be curious.
  8. A values party – a lunch or dinner with your staff or team. Celebrate what it means to be a part of your team. What values are important?
  9. Team vision board. Music, paint… Get a few people together and illustrate what the next 12-18 months looks like visually.
  10. Storytelling breakfast. Provide some story prompts over a staff breakfast and invite people to share some stories.
  11. Buy a pack of post-it’s to write out small thank you notes each day for the rest of the year.
  12. Introduce the “4 Day Plan” – Set up a two-day get together that happens twice per year to help develop your staff or team as leaders.

Action is important, and, getting on the front foot for powerful communication and communion may help catalyse any action going forward.

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