Identity Fuels Action

Ever find yourself standing at the coffee machine making an espresso?

Or looking through the fridge for some food?

Maybe scrolling social media mindlessly?

Why did you find yourself there?

Where you really hungry?

For food?

For quality information?

Or was it habit?

It would be nice and easy if our actions were driven by a specific need.

However, it turns out, that it’s our belief system and narrative that drives the action. If we’re the kind of person that drinks coffee, we drink coffee. If we’re the kind of person who gets distracted, distracted we’ll become.

Occasionally the signal or need will lead, but it’s very rare.

Over time, these belief-fuelled actions become habit.

Que “lock-in.”

The habits largely create a way of being, and help to shape the world around us.

So when we look to create a new string of action, or a new behaviour set, it’s important to look at the narrative or belief system that underlies this.

What kind of person would do these new things?

Rather than “I want to start…” or “I’m going to…”


“I am the kind of person who is choosing to do

because I believe in

When we embrace a belief system or identity that supports the actions we choose to take, we find a sustainable approach for creating change.

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