Accountability and Your Nervous System

To be accountable is to be responsible for the fulfilment of obligations.

Obligations << Sounds kind of dry right?

There’s a certain tension in the word, and with tension there’s of course a tendency to “move away.” To move away from the pain or tension that’s involved in the task.

When we are confronted with pain or tension (physical, mental or emotional), we either have the capacity to sit with it, or, we move away from it.

Our entire nervous system is either OK with the tension, or, it recoils.

When we see someone who is “accountable,” we are really seeing someone who can sit into this tension of doing. Who is able to breathe into their task or obligation, without distraction or running away.

If planners, schedulers or accountability systems don’t work for you – if you keep “moving away” from the tension into distraction, you may not have the capacity at the nervous system level for the job.

If this is the case, it might be it’s helpful to choose smaller tasks, learn to breathe into them, and then train the nervous system to relax into that level of work.

From here, we can slowly up the ante.

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