Can you trust yourself?

I’m walking down one of those wide footpaths alongside the river, towards my favourite cafĂ©.

I see someone coming towards me. As we get closer, I shuffle to the left side a bit to make sure they have space.

I glance up. I think, wow, this is weird. This person walks kind of like me. Actually, they look like me too.

Same clothes even. Crazy.

I get closer. We both stop, stunned. It is me.

So this is all a little weird for an intro, I know.

But the question here is, once I’m over the shock of it all, and spend some time with myself, what do I think?

If this happened to you right now, how would you feel in your own presence?

Can you trust yourself?

Can you trust yourself to show up today?

Can you trust yourself to show up again tomorrow?

Can you trust yourself to not shy away from the present moment, even if it’s uncomfortable?

Can you trust yourself to finish the task at hand?

And, if not, what kind of person would you need to become in order for you to trust yourself?

We often talk about building trust with others to drive any growth in a business.

But without trust in ourselves first, any growth at all is tall order.

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