The story of your “draft.”

Your “draft” is that piece of work that hasn’t been published, or hasn’t yet been released out into the world.

You might have one or two, or, you might have two hundred.

Being a “draft” is an interesting state, because from here, there are two options.

The “draft” can either progress, be published and set free (no longer a “draft”,) or, it can remain a “draft” for the rest of its slow, dreary life.

Often we wonder about the origin story of these things.

It turns out, originally, the “draft” is usually born in one of two ways.

  1. “I didn’t think this through and authentically changed my mind, so therefore won’t proceed,” or,
  2. “Seems like I’m ignoring this project, best to just leave it a little longer…”

While as a creator we will actually never truly know which of our drafts should be set free, and which should remain as “draft,” we do know one thing.

As long as the poor piece of work is locked up as “draft,” it never got a shot at changing the world.

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