Starting with action

When I walk into one of my favourite cafés here in Newcastle, I scan the room for a free table.

The place is usually pretty busy, so when I spot one, I do a quick eye-check-and-a-questioning-nod with the staff before I head back there and grab a seat.

Soon someone comes to the table, and asks if I’d like a coffee.

I order an espresso, and get thrown in the deep end. House blend, or three different “single origin” options, each with different tones.

It’s fast paced in here, so I hazard a guess and pick one.

Five minutes later, they come back with the little cup. Plus that second cup of slightly-special sparkling water next to it.

There’s a card alongside all of this with the details of the coffee – where the bean came from, the different fruity flavours, how it was roasted.

I sip the coffee while I’m educated on the backstory, and taste the coffee, and try to make sense of it all.

I look at the card, listen to the story, and nod in agreement. Maybe I understood 50% of what they were telling me.

We like to start with action.

We like to be part of the story that’s unfolding. We can catch up on the education and insights once we are in, but it’s the action that brings us to attention.

It’s often the promise of the action that gets us in the door.

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