Reframing “Consistency”

“Consistency” is interesting.

The word goes back to Medieval Latin consistetentia literally meaning “a standing together” or consistentem, meaning “to stand firm, take a standing position…”

The original meaning of the word from the 1650’s was “a state of being in agreement or harmony”, or slightly later “harmonious connection, as of the parts of a system.”

I don’t see consistency as putting a post on your instagram stories every day, or walking 10,000 steps Monday to Friday. 

It’s about moving in harmony with a whole.

Breathing and acting with intent that matches your true desired direction. In your business, relationships.

Not matching someone else’s desired direction or story, But being in harmony with your own story.

When you don’t know what to do, feel into your dream, or where you truly want to go, and act from there.

If you do that, even if it is very small, or changes over time, you will be consistent.

The word has a feeling that is closer to “courage” than it does to a fixed “frequency.”

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