I had a friend at uni who couldn’t touch caffeine. Thinking back, I’m not sure why I even knew this then, because none of us drank coffee yet…
Anyway, if he had any caffeine, it would change him completely. It could send him off the walls.
Even a 5% strength coffee could set him off.
It’s kind of like fear.
Except with fear, it’s something we always have in some amount. Maybe we see it, maybe we own it, or maybe we pretend it’s not there and talk around it.
I think seeing it is helpful though. Because if you can’t see something, you can’t dance with it.
Remember, we aren’t talking a lot of fear. Not “full strength” fear.
Just a little that gets masked as other things… distraction, avoidance, over-educating. A little fear that runs continuously, but that holds us back in a big way over time.
It’s the little fear that has an asymmetric impact – maybe our 5% fear over time can hold us back 95%.
Like my friend: 5% of the coffee would send him 95% crazy.
That small, 5% fear is holding some big things back – your idea that doesn’t get launched, your story you won’t share, an important conversation – this little bit that’s held back can change the whole reality.
So a small leap through some of that fear opens up a lot (remember, like the guy with the caffeine – a little did a lot).
What’s a small leap in a few different areas?
How could this change things?