Embracing Limitations

The world needs everything.

A little overwhelming, if you spend some time thinking about all of that.

So with finite time, and finite energy, we come to a decision.

Where do we focus?

What is our work?

What do we do?

While it’s a big question (and in my experience, any kind of answer tends to come “through” us rather than “to” us), we can also go the other way:

What hasn’t resonated?

What work do we avoid?

What do we not like doing?

What is clearly a waste of our time?

As Parker Palmer teaches us, as one door closes, another one opens. There’s just as much insight in what doesn’t work, as what does. Slowly through the positives, and the negatives, we can find direction.

And while we can’t do everything, we can feel fulfilled in doing something.

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