Consistent Work You’re Proud of

Where my parents live in NZ, there’s a park with a few trailer-boats lined up.

When their owners go fishing, they just hook up the boat and head down the boat ramp.

Mostly mid-90’s boats, a bit of fading paint. Yellow awning on one…

And then there’s the boat plane.

This is a small boat hull, that has aeroplane wings on it. I kid you not. Someone has put aeroplane wings, and a small aeroplane engine on top of the boat hull. Looks like it was done with nails, and maybe some super glue.

You’re probably thinking “sea plane” right now. You’d be generous. And wrong. Think old boat with wings…

Fun project. And, this is inconsistent.

The original meaning of the word (consistentem) from the 1650’s was “a state of being in agreement or harmony”, or slightly later “harmonious connection, as of the parts of a system.”

Consistency is only about continuous, or repetitive effort if it’s in connection with your story. If the work you’re doing is going against you then it’s not consistent, it’s just doing stuff that you might not need to do.

When the work we do is in line with our story, not only is it consistent, but it’s also easier, as we free up energy by no longer fighting ourselves.

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