Pesky sharks

Usually only come along when you do certain things.

If you are spearfishing, and carrying fish on a fish string behind you, for example.

When it happens, they often don’t come after the fish just once, in some areas, they learn to do it repeatedly.

Really, the sharks are responding to the situation you create. They respond to your transmission, and they respond to how you show up.

Like the pesky sharks, the journey you’re on will also test you. In fact, it too will keep testing you in a particular way until you can change your transmission in the face of the challenge.*

When you swim along calmly, the sharks usually don’t even notice. Even down to the level of your heartbeat, your transmission matters, and it evokes a response.

*This requires a fair game. Systemic inequalities or rigged systems will often continue to test some groups more than others in unfair ways, regardless of how anyone shows up.

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