The retail or hospitality stint.

Alan loves helping people move better, get out of pain, and live a healthy, happy life. He’s absolutely crushing his personal training business after 16 or so years in the game.

A chef before that. 

He’s big (BIG!) on service, presence, good energy, and excellent client experience.

We recently had a conversation, and he talked about his experience cheffing. After I heard this, I shared my experience owning retail ten years back… 

His assertion was that his time in hospitality was key. I wholeheartedly agree. Hospitality and retail (still!) lead most other service businesses.

Hospo and retail already know what every service business needs to see at a far, far deeper level.

If you miss a beat in a small store or restaurant, people walk out of the store. Foot traffic and conversion is measured to the step.

Customer service is everything.

Your smile, energy, attitude when they walk through the door is your

  • Service
  • Marketing
  • Brand
  • Your story

Is it the same online? Is it the same in non-business relationships? Of course! Transmission is everything.

If you want to boost retention, enrol others, organise something, spending 3 days trying to keep up (and sell – products or food) in a high end café or retail store will beat any business podcast, manual or course.

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