Kanye was right.

Kanye West doesn’t speak in a straight line. More like a spiral blasting outwards.

1, 3, 4, 6 topics… then back to the first.

A lot of people can’t stand this. So, when I heard he was on a Joe Rogan podcast I dove in to see what he had to say.

Kanye does most of the talking. Sure enough, soon he starts the expanding spiral of explaining a bunch of different concepts. But then he realises. He starts explaining how he’s thinking at the time…

“You know, I don’t like to listen back to these conversations for maybe five years, because I’m really talking in the context of the future here… this stuff won’t make much sense right now.”

“People won’t get it.”

Sounds crazy.

And, he’s also right…

When you’re starting a biz, have a new idea, or planning an upcoming event, it won’t all make complete sense.

Because it doesn’t exist yet.

People will question you, ignore you, and even walk away.

And so you’ll probably be full of doubt. (This is the crazy thing with Kanye – he doesn’t have any doubt!)

So the doubt and questioning is normal. Most people will have it.

But if you know this is the case, you can choose to move forward anyway.  You focus on who it’s for, and what you are trying to do.

You can show up over time, and do work that resonates with this group.

It’s not all going to make sense at the start, but if you keep moving forward at least you give it a chance to fall into place.

(Here’s the link to the episode if you’re interested)

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