“I’m focused on…”

No secret, Popolo is the best gelato going around.

I sometimes do a drive by the King St. shop – If the line is out the door, I’ll keep going. But if it’s manageable, I’m in for a two scoop.

They also own an Italian restaurant – Popolo is set up across the road.

The owners realised that while they can sell gelato in-house to people after a meal, gelato on its own solves a different problem completely.

One business focuses on connection – bringing families and business partners together for an hour or two. They do this through sit-down meals with great food and wine.

The other business focuses on joy, with low friction – fans come in to try the new flavour after work, or a Dad and two kids grabbing a cone on the weekend.

The clear differences in story informs the whole biz – brand, language, colours, service, music… the strategy and tactics are clear.

If you get stuck on tactics, rather than “I do this” or “My business sells that…” it’s often helpful to be clear on where the focus is. What’s the specific shift you want to see on a bigger level, and for who exactly?

If you’re clear here – tactics can fall into place.

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