
One of the most potent ways to develop your movement or training journey is to have a year round practice. To show up each and every week and continue to work and practice your craft of moving with more ease and efficiency. It’s easy to get attached to a once-off event, an 8 week program...
We are bombarded with imagery of high level movements, acrobatics, weightlifting or other athletics. However, as any movement coach or corrective exercise coach will tell you, almost all of the work really today is on restoring a sound level of natural movement. This means helping people restore the ability to move through natural ranges needed...
The correct word is Espresso. This is a way to brew coffee in a concentrated way (under pressure) with 25 (+/- 5 sec) seconds of pour time and 25mL of coffee (+/- 2mL). A crema is common. The flavour, beans, finish etc can all vary in different locations. But the name need not change. The...
Metcalfe’s law states the effect of a network is proportional to the square of the number of connected users of the system. When we are trying to create a positive change in the culture, the people in our environment become important. The early adopters end up being essential. Then, the more, the better. So Metcalfe’s law...
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic...
Many times we feel we need to get “better” at a movement, or “stronger” or more “flexible.” Often we see a sense of urgency even. People are usually proud at how quickly they can get results. Yes, sometimes this is a good thing. But often, a more important question is “can I keep going?” In...
In a way, “fitness” is really remaining relaxed physiologically, when under physical load or stress. What we “see” is a change in breathing. To not have any fitness means to have low physical load (absolute, not relative) and be tense physiologically. We see this as “moving slow, breathing fast.” To move fast and breathe slow...
When I was doing a lot of endurance racing (running/triathlon), I entered a race called the Woodford to Glenbrook trail race. It was 25km run along a fire trail in Sydney’s Blue Mountains. A pretty fast course. I think we were finishing it in under 1:40 I was in a pretty good position for this...
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