The idea of “audience” only holds up in absolute terms. Sure. There’s an audience at the theatre. But in a relative sense, “audience” doesn’t exist. Everyone is on the court, in their own way, as the hero. Someone is there on a date with their new girlfriend. Someone is there because it’s the latest popular...
I’m on a reading rampage this year. I’ve been making extra time early for it, and I’m getting through a lot of books. One I’m half way through right now is “The Score Takes Care of Itself,” by the late Bill Walsh. “Bill” was known as one of the greatest NFL coaches, and helped take...
Maybe you find the corners, and pass them to your friend, and then you set up the edges… There are a bunch of ways to start this. Whatever method you choose, you’ve got a bigger choice – how does this pile of 1,000 puzzle pieces make you feel? What state do you want to be...
There’s a bit of a debate. If we attract people who believe what we believe, then we want to be vocal about that stuff in our business, marketing, or communication. We want to be clear what we stand for, and highlight our values in our work, and how we show up. Become a beacon of...
Or really, Netflix trailer now isn’t it… Either way, in a “trailer,” you see something pretty interesting, that can really help your marketing and even service. In under a minute, you can understand: a) The main story (who the character is, what happens to them – i.e. character struggles for clarity, meets guide, gets plan,...
I was in my favourite spearfishing store, looking for a birthday present for my Dad. (I used the word “favourite,” but it’s run terribly. It’s just the better of the two around here…) I asked the guy if they had an abalone knife – a hard plastic tool to peel abalone from the rocks. Because...
Every two weeks I buy a 1kg bag of organic coffee beans from the grocer. But there’s no way for me to actually tell if the beans are covered herbicides, fungicides or chemical fertilisers. Each year (traditionally), I fly back to New Zealand to visit family. But there’s no way to tell if the aircraft...
Bluma Zeigarnik was a Soviet phsychologist who discovered that when something isn’t finished, it can drive us nuts… She found that when there’s an “open loop,” or an unfinished task that gets interrupted, we’re more inclined to go back to it. One of the studies was with a group of restaurant waiters and waitresses who...