
“I don’t like this…” “Around here, we don’t like that…” “I’d never do it like those people over there…” Although common, positioning yourself against something else only rarely adds value. While it might feel good to raise yourself up in a “relative” sense, it turns out, it’s really just one world view contrasting against another...
Knowing the answer is finite. Asking the questions is infinite. What happens if you invest as much energy in learning to ask better questions as you do in trying to know the right answer? Whether it’s in a physical practice, a relationship or in a project, it’s not knowing the answer, but asking the question...
We all line up, and Joey at the front whispers a message to Anne next to him… Anne nods. Then turns, and whispers it to Barbara. It goes on. Each time, the person passes along the message as accurately as possible. The game wraps up when we compare the final message at the end of...
When a bird forages near the nest, it’s “exploiting” the environment for resources. When it travels out and about, it is “exploring” the environment for resources. Each day, we too make choices, whether to exploit, or to explore: our job, our way of working or relating, our thought patterns.. We can either squeeze our current patterns and...
We live in relationship. Spatially, emotionally, energetically. Our experiences themselves stem from being in relationship, beginning with sensory inputs. “It’s hot to touch,” “it sounds like,” “that is pretty..” Each of these draws not just on present relationships, but also on the past. “Relative to…” Considering this, the effort to cultivate generosity, possibility and empathy...
Deliberate reconsideration is to look one level further. To recruit design thinking. What else might this change if I carry this out? Is how I’ve organised myself for this movement, this activity or this project optimal given my resources? Is there something I’m not seeing here that can change things dramatically? Marginally slower on the...
Personally, professionally and physically, it is incredibly easy to do something the same. The same as before. The same as someone right next to you. The same as you found on google somewhere. And while there may be “nothing new under the sun,” to bring in the emotional energy to risk change (what if it...
I was sitting in San José international airport in Costa Rica. I was flying “standby” for a two week surf trip because my friend worked for Qantas (that trip is another story…). Anyway I looked up and saw some TV screens playing a triathlon. It was a replay of the Hawaii Ironman triathlon World Champs....
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