
For the modern love-warrior-traveler, in the battlefield of distraction and the pursuit of mastery, impeccability is key. Impeccability means to do your best today, then that will even look different again tomorrow, as you learn. Impeccable speech is right speech, to stay true to your word – to value integrity. Once this is created, then...
Two ways of learning include assembly line learning (a set topic, set exercises, a sequence, a fixed, often indoors location that is seperate from the broader community) and learning by “observation and pitching in.” We all know the first. Traditionally, Learning by Observation and Pitching In (LOPI) is common in many Indigenous cultures in North...
We embark on a mission to train “strength” right now on Sunday, Monday and Thursday. It’s about 75 minutes per session. Ruby and I train together. It’s fun: barbell work, bidyweight work, some accessory work. There are three things that all of these sessions have in common, for them to be a successful mission: Warmup,...
Don’t prepare. Begin. Our enemy is not lack of preparation. The enemy is resistance, our chattering brain producing excuses. Start before you are ready. – Steven Pressfield The roll into the New Year has come. In fact, the roll into the New Year is already gone. Have you begun? Or are you still preparing?
I’m not a dietician or nutritionist. Yet I am a fan of ways to boost the metabolic rate and energy production. From there we can feel good, have great immunity, great energy, feel more powerful and vibrant, and generally remain healthy. How we eat, how we move, how we breathe – are big players in...
For there to be a “winner,” someone needs to lose. To create competition through force, is to divide, or to seperate. Like a game of soccer. There is direction, one rises, one falls. Power though, is the amount of energy expressed per unit time. The energy comes from within, and moves outwards. It is non-directional....
The first day of a new calendar year. If you are a leader looking to level up the collective output, maybe there are a couple of easy things to consider implementing for the team to increase health, productivity and performance. Increase weekly light exposure. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), low productivity, low immunity, low energy production...
Goal setting, intention setting, reflection. At this time of year, you’d be lucky to open any platform and not be bombarded with proclamations, forecasts and maybe some solemn reflections on the the last 12 months. While there are hundreds of tools out there to help set goals, many people often focus externally – the goal,...
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