
john marsh
The body is constantly creating and modifying structure through information and energy. The mind is also constantly updating and modifying behavioural patterns. Again, through information and energy. The information is the context of the environment, and our state. We move the “energy” through movement, breath and thought, or “intent.” The type of state we are...
It’s easy to teach the technicalities of the process, the movement, the sport, or the profession. It’s hard to teach people to get on the court and play the game and truly care. This is as true on the output side as it is on the restorative side. It’s easy to teach the method of...
Nobody has exceptional “talent” as we think about it. When we look across and see high performers, we often use a label like “talented” to describe them. However, using the word “talented” with others gets us off the hook. What we actually see, is someone who has done more work for longer. They are a...
These take us well beyond the “beginners curve,” right into elite levels. They usually won’t take us to “World Championship” level, as a single-pointed focus then becomes fairly key. 1. It’s not really “rapid.” On any given day, we need patience. Patience to hold back, to learn, to adapt, to remain alert. Yes it’s “rapid”...
So, it looks like my scheduled post didn’t go out yesterday. Well, here is something to make up for it. This is a free download of a short audio track featuring a C-Note Crystal sound bowl. As most people know, the sum total of musical bones in my body is zero. This is suitable for...
If it feels right, that is worth a lot. We are governed by rules, regulations, societal norms, status quo’s. Most people have become so afraid of doing anything that could be outside of these lines, so afraid of drawing attention, that they do nothing. Even if it doesn’t feel right. This is a trap. To...
How should this feel? When we are doing breath work, or pranayama, we should feel relaxed and in particular we should feel warm. If we don’t understand how we should feel, then we lead with the head. This is dangerous. In this example of the breath, if we follow the head and we read some...
A friend of mine is known to give an extra long hug.  Not so long it’s strange, but when you get one, it’s clearly longer than the average. He’s an outlier in many other areas, but he’s particularly strong in the area of connection. The hug is just one physical extension of his whole connection...
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