
john marsh
The simplest filter. In a world pivoting on social media, comparison, “growth” and “hustle,” we often find ourselves feeling conflicted. We consciously and subconsciously place ever increasing demands on our physical and emotional selves. We do this while also decreasing resources, such as food quantity and quality, sleep and rest. So, knowing that we too...
Reducing excess body fat is a common goal with exercisers. It turns out that down-regulation of stress hormones is the highest priority when looking to reduce excess body fat, in particular when it is around the belly. Cortisol is a stress hormone, that, when chronically elevated contributes to the storage of body fat (in particular,...
In 1960, research began at the University of California, Berkely, by Mark Rosenzweig on rats. He compared single rats in normal cages, with other rats that were raised with toys, ladders, tunnels and running wheels and also in groups. Rosenszweig found that growing up in enriched environments helped neurodevelopment, cerebral cortex thickness and greater synapse...
People generally know a couple of things things: They don’t like to feel stressed (physically, or in a “stressed” state of mind) They are aware of some level of mind-body connection There’s some sort of connection in how we live our life and how we generally feel So, to go a bit further, here are...
Just one note on our second big event for the year. I recently confirmed that I’ll be running a second unplugged Meditation and Movement retreat in 2018.  We’ll be heading away at the start of August, for 5 days of practice, exploration and immersive learning. These retreats are unique and I’m excited to go deeper...
“Breathe Deeply.”  “Take a deep breath.” We hear this all the time. Well, from my perspective we generally are being led in the wrong direction. Note, I’m not a doctor, I simply look at what I see, experience and the physics/biology of this as it appears to me. The instruction to “breathe deeply” seems valid...
If you exercise hard all month, but have no recovery and down-regulation strategy in place, did the training happen? Well, of course it “did,” the time was “spent” and the work was done, but what about the important part – is there a result? Is there the “super-compensation,” or the improvement*? Many like to blame...
Attention is not concentration. J. Krishnamurti spoke of this at some length. In his model, concentration creates a divide. It is focused and creates a barrier between the “concentrator” and the environment or surroundings. It is a “pushing away” of the rest of existence. When we concentrate on just one thing, we cannot take in...
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