
john marsh
Our output, physiological load, or “stress levels” and the relative amount of time we spend in each state of being or state of productivity can be represented by a normal distribution curve (or bell curve). The “grey zone” is common in both the workplace, as well as in athletics: Typical 9-5 day in a cubical,...
To do the complicated, intense or advanced variation once or twice? Or to do the simpler variation consistently? Almost in all cases, the second is preferable. When the basics are done well and consistently, the acute highs will not feel as lofty. There is less gossip afterwards, less inflation, but, the long term progress is...
My focus is on the opposites – the down-regulation, awareness, breath awareness, meditation.  BUT, this is in the sense of restoring balance in an out-of-balanced society. When this is understood and is adopted into a lifestyle, then my focus is on the effort. The strength, the power, the speed, the catharsis. While I discuss the yin,...
When you meet with friends, you choose to do an activity. It’s usually (always?) something that one person is somewhat OK at.  Why? We love to do what we are good at, OR We love to follow instructions or a dogma, or be told what to do However, to meet in the middle, at the unknown,...
“I meditate when I run.” “My gardening is my meditation practice.” OK, cool.  My take and experience is movement has the capacity to absorb the mind. Rhythmic movement in particular can be both restorative physically and meditative. The power this has to absorb the mind can also be an escape (and has been for me...
Sometimes people are afraid to embrace the Yin and work on down-regulation and stress reduction through nutrition, breathing and lifestyle/training methods. The other side, the Yang – the “work” is cut out for them since beginning school. The repetition of the yang over decades leads to a way of living, a conditioning. The Yin is...
When I was growing up, we did a LOT of skateboarding. At least two of my friends went on to be professionals. There was a difference in how they learned to skate, or how they progressed. They followed the four P’s. I did not. 1. Posture: They learned what the trick should look like. They...
Many times we look at a developing a particular habit in a Newtonian fashion. Ones and zeros. I want to exercise 3 times per week I am going to go to 2 yoga classes this week I am going to run 5 times per week and train for a half marathon I want to write...
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