
john marsh
FOMO is the fear of missing out. Missing a work email, missing a social media update. Or, it could be the fear of missed opportunities – different ways/styles of training, different work you could be doing. FOMO is short game. JOMO is a new spin. This is the “joy” of missing out. Being content with...
There is a cricket player who lives locally. When I walk the dog to the small local dog park, often he turns up and spends some time in the batting cage area. His process is fairly boring. He sets up 20 balls on little cones, about a meter from the wire fence. The balls sit...
My friend just got back from a Tony Robbins event. I’ve had a few friends come back from these events in the last 12 months. I haven’t been to one of these, but from the sounds of it, the level of excitation that he brings across a 14 hour day is impressive. Epic even. Lights,...
When you watch a rower in a river, there is a posture of ease and grace. Even with a beginner. We see that same with a surfer, a skiier, a rock climber. We don’t see the same with most people on a rowing machine or a treadmill. Nature demands a level of awareness. A level...
Mirroring is the subconscious imitation of one person by another – it could be gesture, behavioural pattern, way of dressing. Neither party is conscious of the process. Mimicking is the conscious imitation of one person by another. This is essentially copying. Both are of interest. Mirroring happens from the time we are born, we use...
The placebo effect is real. In some studies, with certain types of illness, it can be as effective as actual medicine (up to 50%). When we string together a series of successful events, it gives us a great opportunity to create our own placebo in a way. A set of activities, or situations that we...
If we want to create a cultural change, of course the first step is the belief and conscious choice of the change. The second step is to create our environment that supports this*. This includes many factors, but one of the most important is people. Many times people say that we are the sum of...
Low volume training is the idea that we can apply a small stimulus and still send messaging to the physiology that it’s worth adapting to this little dose. There are a number of upsides: Hormonal optimisation/less stress. Training is stressful. If we can keep sessions short and punchy, it’s potentially easier to remain more anabolic...
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