
john marsh
My main message is on the Opposite. The down-regulation. Why? Because I think we are all pre-conditioned to figure out the “work” side of it, and when the system is restored into balance, then some solid training can come easily. But, there is also a strategy for training, to actually get the results, quickly Here...
Body temperature, metabolism and cellular respiration all have important links to longevity and also body composition. We can likely use body temperature (alongside pulse) as an indicator of metabolic health. Stress, while having the ability to raise body temperature (through increasing cortisol, adrenaline and catabolic activity in the body) has a negative impact on both...
In recreational sports, people like a sense of “accomplishment.” It feels good to have done something. Typically (like with endurance sports, or lifting weights), the more we do (weight, distance etc), the better we feel. This is largely a conditioned response. Therefore, sports which allow us to express this, but without too much upfront discomfort tend to...
“Chaos should be regarded as very good news.” ‒ Trungpa Rinpoche It seems we expect order. We give a linear effort, with our work, training, nutrition and expect an upwards trajectory as long as we maintain this effort. Positive input leads to positive output. Makes sense… in a mechanistic world. The weather, nature, the trees, our bodies...
Steven Pressfield talks about the resistance in his book “The War of Art.” The resistance is anything that stops you from doing your work. Interestingly, almost all of the resistance is internal. When we set off on health/training/exercise journeys, there are a few big ones that limit your ability to show up, to do the...
Recently I spoke with a group about meditation. We talked about the reasons behind creating a daily practice and the importance of designing a habit around this. Meditation, like mobility work or writing in a journal, has some element of reward at the beginning, but relative to the effort it takes at first, this is...
When things are out of balance and we get wound up, stressed, anxious, or can’t sleep etc, many times people look to add things in. Adding “relaxation” teas, adding a few yoga classes. Some breath work, some massages. This can help to a point. The other method is via subtraction. If we recount what we...
Yesterday I went to visit a friend and fellow gym owner, Benny, from CrossFit Soul Rebel. We trained the one-arm handstand together. It’s nice occasionally to meet up with others who are doing this type of thing, so that we can talk about the challenges and look for advice. When you have a partner with...
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