
john marsh
In 2009 I was training for the Ironman Triathlon World Championships, held in Hawaii. I had a part time job and I was all in on training. For many, it’s the pinnacle of the sport, with just a few spots available for which you need to “qualify.” Training was life. Thing was, I was having...
We need movement. It promotes life, in many ways it is life. In a macro sense it helps everything from blood-flow to peristalsis, as well as of course overall strength and mobility. What about intensity? It seems a lot of people get into exercise or training for body composition. “To lose some weight.” In the...
Some more difficult movements, projects or ventures require a certain approach, certain strengths. A certain posture.  A golf swing is complex.  How we approach the task or movement can change how the movement itself unfolds.  The setup for the golf swing is intentional. Nobody runs in and just smacks the ball (very well). The approach brings...
The Future value of an asset is the value of the asset at a specific (future) date. It is the present value multiplied by the accumulation function. In a financial sense, it assumes a certain interest rate, or rate of return. Our practices also have a future value. We have to understand that everything trends...
In the cities, the market place is the up-regulation. The training we do, the driving, the work overload, the “growth.” Most people are operating on a 7/10 excitation level at all times.  This is where intentional down-regulation comes in.  When stress is high (for any reason), we have elevated cortisol and a myriad of health issues...
In training and in business, we can prepare for an event to an extent. Say we are learning a new movement or are going to launch a product. We can master the progressions, all of the stepping stones. For example, your first chin-up. We can be almost there. We can pretty much taste the movement.   But…...
I have written about the importance of having up-front urgency, or the urgency to start here. Once we’ve started something though and we hit a road-block, maybe we are sick and have to pause our training, or nobody buys our product, or we didn’t have enough time for our meditation.. so, we occasionally pause. Maybe...
On day 4 of our recent retreat, we had a big hike scheduled. The group didn’t know about this, but it was going to be about 45 minutes away in the Glasshouse Mountains, then probably 3 hours or so of hiking, before a drive back. The hike was known to be tough, however, everyone was...
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