
john marsh
I’ve found myself in conversation with quite a few people who are looking to come to grips with social media, email usage, phone usage.. It seems we swing back and forth on our opinions on these things. I recently saw a video that stated that men will spend a total of about 4 years of...
A stillness practice can cultivate a huge amount of energy. From stillness, we have the most potential. Potential to move, share, connect, love. When we are intoxicated with inputs and “doings,” our potential drops. We are already engaged. From stillness, we can pivot and move. So, the question is, when you return from retreat, or...
When we are a little ways into a new journey, we like to ask questions. In health and training, people might be learning the basics, developing discipline, finding the groove, or even just learning to manage stress better. Then, they often look for assurances.  “Do you drink coffee?” They ask.. or “Do you eat chocolate?” ...
We just finished up our second unplugged meditation and movement retreat. It was an absolute success. I am fairly convinced there is no other event like this that is happening, and I also believe that I have as much or more fun than anyone else on the retreat. I really get a lot out of...
For just physical satisfaction, not much is needed. But, for true intimacy, with two people being present with each other, we need connection. For connection, we need attention. By using your phone* in your bedroom (yes, even “just” as your alarm clock), you are leaving attention on the table and effectively severing any chance of...
In strength training, there’s something called “Post activation potentiation” – it’s a theory that the contractile history of a muscle influences the performance of subsequent muscle contractions. For example – heavy squats, followed by vertical jumps. In a way, we are also contrasting the load neurally. Heavy to light. After “heavy,” the “light” feels easy....
When we experience something, often, an imprint remains.  The song in your head, as you drive to work or lie in bed at night, is a perfect example. Often, you can’t remember where it came from or when you even heard it. The song is one minor example. The subconscious mind is collecting information from...
When we look at things like longevity, wellbeing, quality of life, certain attributes clearly stand out as helpful. This has been studied. For example, Tufts University has shown that lean muscle mass is a fairly strong predictor of longevity. Here are a few other training or lifestyle factors that make a lot of sense (both anecdotally and...
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