
john marsh
I want to prioritise meditation, movement, healthy eating etc.. There are two ways of looking at this. The first and most common: “I really should be meditating each day.. “ – conditioned. The second, rarer: “I wonder what I would experience if I committed to this practice that I feel might serve me for a period…?” –...
When Hans Selye introduced the concept of stress over 50 years ago, he was mis-interpreted by many. The word “stress” quickly was associated with “bad.” This is not what he meant. However, in today’s world, many people are living, breathing, working and functioning on the right hand side of the curve. This is bad. We...
You’ve seen a ton around mindfulness and meditation, heard different gurus or magasine columnists talk or write about it. You’ve tried it a few times, but mostly from an App. The practice has remained patchy. The way it’s “packaged,” or presented to you seems foreign. It’s for other people… Yogis maybe. However, something still pulls...
Creating consistency. We know it’s key – here are three ways to help. But first, I would love some help! I would love you to let me in on what your biggest challenge is at the moment? What is the one hurdle – perhaps in training, nutrition, learning more about meditation or habits? Please, hit reply...
You’re at point A, you start training, working, hustling.. trying to move to point B When we misstep or head off course, we are less efficient. Hopefully we see this quickly via a feedback mechanism, so we can correct. I listened to a great presentation the other day by Logan Gelbrich of Deuce Gym, that...
Having spent several years of my life doing countless hours of running, swimming and cycling alongside professional athletes, certain things became clear in how they operate. One of the things that stood out for me was how they set up routines and the nature of their routines. For a lot of these guys (some of...
After working with hundreds of individuals, you start to see some patterns that work to get results. While it seems like there are a huge number of factors that come into play, really, we can boil it down to just a couple things. Well, even one thing, with a couple of supporting attributes that really,...
When we start down any new journey, we find a trend that “seems” right. Our conditioning veers us in a certain direction, whether it’s with diet, our training or otherwise. We are naturally drawn into a particular way of thinking, a particular leader or guru and, a particular dogma. The hard part is to stand...
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