
john marsh
When we engage in a task, we are occupied. The more we have going on at once, the more we multi-task, the busier we are. Very quickly, we have no resources available. The sun rises, it sets, the moon rises, the tree blows, the kid grows up. We miss it all. The more we make...
Where are you failing to connect powerfully? What is wrong with how you are training? Is your current approach to nutrition serving you? What is missing from your restorative practice? Your strength work? Your mobility work? Finding gaps in such high level areas that we often ignore or take for granted provides a huge reward....
This week my wife Ruby just returned from her first solo-silent meditation retreat. These are epic and occasionally frightening events. They leave a significant impact. However, this post is not about these retreats. (perhaps another time!) One of the biggest and most unexpected things I noticed from the first time I did  one of these,...
“I wake up at 5am, I run a business, I have two kids and a wife and I only finish everything by about 11pm. I want to exercise and feel better and I want to connect with my partner more too,  but how am I supposed to fit it all in?” How am I going...
In training, health, fitness, movement, we want to get from where we are, to where we want to be. Usually, we have a time frame associated with this. It could be consciously and announced (like a goal), unspoken, or even subconscious. It’s not that we set the timeframes too long or too short, it’s often having...
Whether we are just starting on our journey, or have been on it for some time, we will inevitably be in positions to compare ourselves with others. This way of thinking through comparing and competing has been instilled into us since we started school, if not before. In the health industry, this is exacerbated through...
Ultimately, I believe in practices that help to increase awareness: meditation, various sensory shifts, silent practices or retreats.  Through these, we can (with practice), decrease the gap between our conscious mind and subconscious. Become more aware of the patterns that are running in the background as well as heighten our experience of reality. However, on the...
Learned Helplessness (Martin Seligman)- this is the concept of voluntarily submitting to a stressful situation.  When an animal believes it can’t escape from a stressful situation, it’s heart slows down instead of accelerating.  Usually in a stressful situation, the heart rate would race – but in a trapped situation in which the animal doesn’t “believe” it...
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