
john marsh
Love runs outward from the centre.As I heard from Mr. Paul Chek once, this is the  I > WE > ALL concept. So, the first the choice is to create CONSCIOUS Self love. This is the seed for shift to the higher energy and outer layers. Yet mostly this remains an intellectual “idea,” instead of...
The three big areas where I see people fall down in their movement/training journey: 1. Sustainability (the work/practice is too intense) 2. Adaptability (the work/practice is OK, but the physiology isn’t set up to adapt due to other reasons. Total physiological load is too high, or resources (food) is too low) 3. Continuity (the consistency...
In studies looking at voluntary breathing frequency changes (“ramps”), Stankovski et al noticed a difference in a number of physiological factors whether a subject was in a fast-to-slow or a slow-to-fast ramp. “We posit the existence of a memory within human autonomic pathways, such that the history of how breathing frequency changes occur, may be...
  Results, not tension. The one thing we can learn from endurance sports in my opinion is the importance of understanding/management of our state/tension and energy. To do well, we need efficient movement over a long period of time.  Sometimes, a very long period of time. Of course, efficiency and body management is key in...
The beauty of having a system, a scientific approach or a method to your task is that it teaches us about our own emotional landscape. Whether it’s training, sales, marketing, or developing your relationships, having a structure in place can help remove some of the emotional resistance that can come into play (and stop our...
For many years, I focused purely on what I now call the “Allies.” These are tools that we develop expertise in to help raise awareness or vitality – such as practices of the breath, sound, movement, nutrition.. The thing is, when you fall off of the wagon a bit, or miss out on something and...
Just a quick one today. We have our first pilot round of Breathe Fit, a one of a kind 4 week online course on breathing. I’ve partnered with my friend and mentor Cole Clayton to create this one – Cole has been working with the breath, coaching both adults and kids with breathing for almost...
In the gym world, you hear a lot of people talk about “chasing” a movement or a certain quality. In endurance sports, it’s a certain time on their marathon. “Allowing” is the counter. It is like the relaxing into the “subtle breath” versus the effort of the forced exhalation. Allowing vs. Chasing: both similar in...
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