
john marsh
Exercise or training should feel good most of the time. If you feel tired, drained, or sick, it’s a sign that your system is a little cooked. Maybe you have a lot at work, or something going on at home. Or you have eaten poorly.. Often, people ask me if they should still come to...
We have only so much energetic capital to expend at any one time.  We only have so many resources: sleep, food, hours in the day. When people come in to train in the gym to start out, nine times out of ten, they say: “I want to get fitter, stronger, lose weight …and learn to...
There is a famous strength and conditioning coach, Louie Simmons, from Westside barbell (known for creating ridiculously strong powerlifters). Westside is known to be an extreme environment.  Filled with athletes pushing the limits of what is possible in strenth training. Louie has a quote: “If you run with the lame, you will develop a limp.”...
When we want to learn a new skill, or want to start a business or endeavour, it helps to do a certain amount of research. We look into thing, ask, read, look up… How to’s, guides, cheat-sheets. But, at the end of the day we need experiential learning in order to actually get anywhere. We need...
Our energy building practices: sleep, food, meditation, restorative movement etc, need to outweigh our energy depleting practices: training, work, mental-emotional stress. If they don’t, we become depleted, unwell, injured or sick. The interesting part of it though is the “band” in which these can sit. The energy building practices have only small tolerances – not...
I just finished a book by Gary Keller – The One Thing. In it, Keller discusses the power of blocking off time (4 hours, minimum) each day to focus on your: “One thing you can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary.” Gary hits the nail on the head. His...
When we work with each other, meet, train or just relate with one-another, We have the opportunity to connect. Not just casually in passing, but actually connect authentically. For many, in a rushed, distracted lifestyle, this is more and more difficult. However, should we choose to pursue this path of connection and make it a...
In our work, there’s a lot of emphasis around the ability to say “no.” It is a powerful skill, that allows us to focus on our task at hand, specialise, excel in our field and can protect us in a way. With movement of the body, it’s kind of the opposite. Rather than narrow the...
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