
john marsh
Often we move, eat, train, live, work… according to a method The methods are handed down to us, from our peers, from social media, from the books, from the course lecturer Of course, we get to take advantage of this previous work. Of existing knowledge. BUT, eventually you will find yourself at a crossroads. At a...
The one arm chin-up is almost a little bit over the top.  It’s a movement that, if you choose to pursue, and take the time, will give you ample pulling strength for pretty much any other movement. Climbing, rope climbs, pullups.. these all become pretty straightforward once the one-arm chin is available. Anyway, a lot...
In marketing there’s a concept of “meeting them where they’re at.” I’m no marketing expert, but as I understand it, it’s making sure you use the language, imagery and concepts that are directly relevant today to the market niche. Resonate with where their conscious mind is at. In training, there is a similar thing going...
When we seek change and take action, anticipation can run hot. In fitness or health, it’s 8 week challenges, weight-loss targets, foot to the floor. The sprint can be fun, fast paced, and effective – but only over that sprint. Also, like a sprint, you don’t get far. For long term results, the challenge becomes...
I’ve heard our attention is more valuable now than ever. Or, we are more distracted now than ever. It seems to have coincided with our figuring out how to tap into each other’s dopamine system with a couple of clicks of the thumb. As expected this shows up in exercise, training and health journeys, on...
The first thing to realise is you have been and are conditioned daily by inputs: your peers, by gurus, by  corporations. Via direct contact, experiences or social media. This creates who you have come to be. When we are NOT getting results, we need to question our exposure to these inputs, which in turn influence...
There’s the event, the stimulus, the information, the thought. Then there’s the space. Right after the event, before the next thought or words have time to emerge. The space in between. Individually, this is where we heal and grow. Collectively, this is where we connect. The space in between is where the power is.  
Many people walk in the door with pain. The have accepted it, or become conditioned to it. Most times if asked about any injuries or pain, they’ll say “no,” not because they are trying to hide it, but because they forget – it’s always there. Often they’ll blame the pain in an acute incident, a...
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