
john marsh
We change habits, start on a new journey. We see others on the journey as well, so it makes sense to ask the question: “When?” When will the results come, when will I change, when will it get easier? Nobody knows. What we do know is, if you expect a timeframe, or have a cutoff...
When we talk about forming habits, we hear terms like “self motivated.” “Intrinsic reward” is another one. This means that we do the activity (which is hopefully serving us!) automatically, or for simply the value it adds to us, or because it feels good. Don’t discount the extrinsic reward or external motivation. For the habit...
Overnight, we are in a fasted state. We wake up and cortisol (a necessary, but potentially damaging when chronic stress hormone) is peaking at dawn. According to Dr. Ray Peat, PhD, darkness itself is anti-thyroid, or anti-metabolic, and hence at dawn, this stressful state peaks. If you ask paramedics or ambulance drivers, they’ll also tell...
Exercise or training is all “long game.” Sure, there are some feel good chemicals that happen soon after a session, but really, you can get more of those other ways which are far easier. The really cool benefit is in the longer term. After you have been on the journey for 5, 10, 20 years,...
When we go deeper into the exercise and training journey, we only can spend so much time on structural stuff before there are diminishing returns. This means that for the general population to get fit, healthy and have vitality, there is a certain amount of training experience or knowledge that is helpful, in order to...
The type of training we do has movement “complexity” relatively high.  This means that we are challenged with new patterns or skill sets quite often. The person who doesn’t like failing, doesn’t like “not being good” at something finds this uncomfortable. However, this tension is where growth lies. So, we have a choice: We can...
Kind of like money, we often put fitness, training, body composition on a pedestal.  It’s a physical, visual representation of our whole selves that we present to the world.  However, deep down, we know the true gold in life is Connection. We feel this in moments we share with others, or with nature. When we...
To exercise, eat well, sleep well… generally have good health, means we are in a way, “more prepared.” The body becomes more resilient to external stressors. However, we can get carried away with this. With the idea of “being prepared.” On the other side of preparation, there is doing. In the big, bad, real world....
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