
john marsh
Always do your best. One of the four agreements. What is the other side of this? The prerequisite? Awareness. A cleaner for example can do their best, but still not notice marks left behind and never even know. A painter can paint the wall and do their best, but leave uneven patches. We can also do...
At the beginner level they focus on the basics. “Can I really do this?” At the intermediate level they watch others, start to see what is possible and focus on the outcome. They increase output “I’ve got this, but I need to just work harder.” At the expert level they re-focus on the basics and...
Doing more than is required, to get the same result is insanity. I am a big fan of the idea of minimum effective dose in your training. What does this mean? When we train or exercise, we put a stimulus on the body (stress). We then need a certain amount of resources (time, food, sleep)...
The model I use for training, health, body composition is based around “stress.” But this is not the same way that you are conditioned to think about the word stress Rather, let’s call it “excitatory state.” We live in a heavily overstimulated environment.  We have dysfunctional breathing patterns (over-breathing), coupled with a scarcity mindset around food,...
What is health?  How do we know if how we are currently living/eating/training is serving us? We have quantitative measures we can try to do, like blood labs etc. But we also look qualitatively. We have things like body composition or BMI – we are over conditioned to look at this for signs of health....
There is a valuable place for urgency.  This is at the front end of the undertaking. Those who start today or who have urgency to begin. Urgency to heal their body, figure out their nutrition or build functionality. It doesn’t matter if it’s a Monday, Friday, Thanks-giving or their birthday, they’re good to go. Then...
Setting aside enough time for the decision making process on a new endeavour is important. Once you really CHOOSE a new undertaking, life gets a lot easier. It simply becomes “how do I go about this?” and often: “Who has been here before that can help me do this.” I remember entering my first triathlon....
“We all want to practice the highest techniques, but first we have to ask ourselves if we have mastered the lower prerequisites, such as discipline” – The Dalai Lama People often want to move to the highest or most complex technique or method in training, “diets” or business. The latest high intensity interval training fad,...
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