
john marsh
We are conditioned to applaud output. Number of kilometers run, number of training sessions, number of yoga classes. We end up mirroring our industrial output as a society, within our physical bodies. The race to “more.” Well, output is 50% of the equation.. we actually have another 50% that is Yin energy. Most people are...
What is connection? In Sanskrit, the term Maya means “illusion.” Usually it refers to a dreamlike state, that we perceive to be reality (our “everyday” existence) This dreamlike state is driven by the subconscious mind. It is created from our day to day activities, belief systems, societal conditioning, thoughts.. Inputs to the mind. Similar to a pond...
Made, not born. All too often, I hear people pull out the “good genetics” card when they see someone who is doing well in their training. While our genetics can definitely influence certain aspects of our body, what we are talking about here is something different. When people say this type of thing, they aren’t...
Sometimes encouragement from a coach or trainer is a good thing. In many cases though, it’s not what is most needed. If your continuation with your training/business/venture is dependent on continual accolades and encouragement, you are being short-changed. If you are used to exuberant congratulations, just for showing up, then know you are leaving power...
How much should I do?  How often do I need to train? Valid, and common questions. Of course, the type and frequency of exercise you do will ultimately depend on the individual.  But, there’s a template I like to put on the table either for people just getting started, or getting back into it. It’s...
Having infinite choice today and finite time means we need to gloss over things (start to ignore) now for our life to run. BUT, When we are trying to make headway in training, in order to get results, certain things need to happen in a few key life areas. Because getting results relies on more...
A lot of the time, the decision to get into “fitness” or exercise is fuelled by adrenaline. It is fuelled by emergency, comparison or even anxiety. Like attracts like. Someone with a full on life or who is in a stressed state wanting to get healthy usually picks a training style that aligns with their...
Just over a week ago I held a talk on how to get RESULTS. I explained a system that I coined C.H.E.A.T that absolutely will help you get the results you are after in your health and fitness journey. All too often, we have a bright spark decision moment, then find ourselves sitting there 6...
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