
john marsh
Last night there was a great turnout for an introduction to VISUALISATION meditation techniques, as part of a Exploring Meditation Series I am running. Before the session, I covered a few things to keep in mind when you embark on your meditation journey. Even after years of practice, it often still pays to come back...
Recently I gave a talk about meditation and the importance of “Unplugging” from our current, everyday conditioning inputs. We discussed topics such as the role of the subconscious mind, as well as where meditation sits with this stuff. It was a great evening. One concept that I mentioned was the idea of consciously developing “sensitivity”...
Do you struggle to control your cravings or food blow outs? Are you fighting yourself? Do you keep “going off” sugar, processed foods, or any other unsuspecting food subcategory? Maybe there is a different way to look at it. There is an anecdote I’ve heard: “If you are carrying stones in your hands and you...
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