
john marsh
Yesterday I visited the mighty Jungle Brothers Strength and Movement gym in Sydney to run a workshop. What an amazing crew. If you are in the Sydney area, definitely worth checking these guys out. Together, we all dove deep into the concept of breath attention, breath work, awareness of breathing and how we can use...
In action, we are occupied. Yes, we are completing work, but we are also are locked in. In inaction, we are open. Of course, nothing is getting done, but we are free to choose where we move next. The blend of course is the balance of action/inaction. Do and be. Work and rest. Easy to...
At University, I studied Aerospace Engineering.  We learned all about flight dynamics, aircraft design, composites, fluid dynamics, structural repairs… However, the theory that we were taught is largely based on what’s called “Linear Dynamics” – these problems are fairly simple to solve. Basically, we were using an approximation of true reality in order to solve...
There are two ways to tackle the body composition/weight loss equation. The first one is to go against. This means we have an image of what it should look like, then start to use logic of the mind. If we need to lose weight to fit the image, of course, we reduce resources (reduce calories...
It has been shown that breath attention reduces activity of the brains Default Mode Network (“DMN”), which is associated with the wandering mind (self-referencing, futurising, anxiety and others..) It has also been shown that in long term practitioners, this extends beyond just the practice itself. So, what we have is a positive benefit that is...
When we are looking to create a shift, a change in behaviour, a change in a group or culture, they are hard. Slow, difficult, unfamiliar and with no apparent payoff any time soon, a change in habits can be a clunky thing. Often, this clunkiness is enough to stop many people ever changing. We fall...
In training, every once in a while we can take a “rest week” or a de-load week. This is kind of like a retreat in the physical domain. The de-load week is for all levels and serves a few purposes: Down-regulate the central nervous system from the demands of training Allow for some extra sleep...
When the body is physically or emotionally tense, often, we aren’t completely present. Or, when we aren’t fully present, the body is often physically or emotionally tense. Either way. Tension is typically an imprint of what has been, or what we feel might be to come.  To down-regulate means to come to the centre. To...
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