
john marsh
A few days ago I wrote about the Solar Plexus chakra. In a gym environment, as a coach, I often witness the moments where people are breaking into a new level of strength, learning a new movement, or attempting to break some other plateau. ALMOST ALWAYS, they are more than capable of doing the movement...
There is no “either way.” To not “choose” the context of your journey is still to choose the context provided by society – the high school, the job, the corporation, the packaged food and packaged health-care. The grind for someone else. Somehow, we often find ourselves somewhere down this road, feeling repressed and wanting to...
Active movements are when we have intent behind each part of the movement. We actually control the entire sequence from our own intent, without using another arm to help a stretch, without using gravity to accelerate or load the movement and without using momentum as either assistance or as load. Often in exercise, there is...
To speak is to be yang. To dish out, give, to express. To listen is the opposite. The other side. To receive, to permit. While it might seem like a lot of conversation is simply two people waiting for a chance to express their own story, the same is true with the body. It is...
When training with gymnastics rings, I insist that the rings are exactly the same height. Many people get the rings “about” the right height and that’s OK. For me though, I feel the difference is huge. We send a message that the pattern we are practicing, or learning, is important. That we care. We can’t...
I know a lot of people who have expressed that the happiest they have ever been was in a previous job when they were younger, doing labouring, construction or building work. Then, they went to university and now work in a bank, or drive excel spreadsheets. They want to add value in this new area,...
Our teachers aren’t the mentors and gurus. Our teachers are the difficulties, challenges, frustrations and enemies. What we learn intellectually from a coach or a book might point us in a direction, but only what we experience personally can elevate that which we truly know. If we are looking to raise awareness, sure we can...
Consistency, or continuation towards mastery in the “one thing” is tough. But to even get on the court, or to even see if we are aligned with the journey, we need to start. The thing is, we don’t need to start on the exact end product right now. We just need to practice starting something. Something...
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