
“I don’t like this…” “Around here, we don’t like that…” “I’d never do it like those people over there…” Although common, positioning yourself against something else only rarely adds value. While it might feel good to raise yourself up in a “relative” sense, it turns out, it’s really just one world view contrasting against another...
We live in relationship. Spatially, emotionally, energetically. Our experiences themselves stem from being in relationship, beginning with sensory inputs. “It’s hot to touch,” “it sounds like,” “that is pretty..” Each of these draws not just on present relationships, but also on the past. “Relative to…” Considering this, the effort to cultivate generosity, possibility and empathy...
Deliberate reconsideration is to look one level further. To recruit design thinking. What else might this change if I carry this out? Is how I’ve organised myself for this movement, this activity or this project optimal given my resources? Is there something I’m not seeing here that can change things dramatically? Marginally slower on the...
When you are out of time, you’d better start taking action. When you’re late to a meeting, behind on work, or when you run out of resources for your project, there’s no option except to innovate, to create urgency. The other side of the coin though is moving from capacity. Because there is opportunity to...
The word inspire can be traced back to the latin root word “inspirare,” meaning “to breathe into” or “to blow into.” Inspirare of course stems from spirare, meaning “to breathe.” Soon, we began to use the word figuratively. To breathe in, is to bring in the new, to inspire, to innovate. And to innovate, to...
In first year uni, I catastrophically failed a physics exam. I came in fresh from school, I was still 17. It was a physics mid-term paper, worth about 30% of the final mark for the course. Almost our entire year group failed. I think I got 40% or so. This was the first test I...
We think about fitness. But really, it’s technique. For 99.9% of those who will toe the start line, the first step is to inquire into the question of “how can I run more efficiently?” The marathon is 42.2km, and each foot will strike the ground maybe 20,000 times. Whenever we have this many repetitions of...
“If you are listening with all kinds of prejudices, that is a wrong way of listening; it is really a way of not listening. You appear to be listening, but you are only hearing not listening.” – OSHO When we are going through turbulent times, often we just want to be heard. But it’s more...
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