
A mechanical, over-stimulated, order-filling work week, as a cog in the system isn’t balanced by a weekly yoga or meditation class. This isn’t a theory, it’s just an experiment you can run. You can try it out any time for a few weeks and see. When we consider “self love” or “self care” practices, we...
Language allows us to discuss ideas, to uncover new areas of thought and to express. But it also can be a shackle and chains. In the same way it can open the door to reason, it can close the gap to wonder and to feeling. Through description, we liken, compare or contrast experiences to those...
I began this daily blog on December 12, 2017. About 450 posts ago. I’ve also been thinking about audio for a little while and after I finished up the Pillars of Power eBook as a resource, I knew it was time to start. So, in February I recorded the first of a new project, the...
When you start spearfishing, it’s usually pretty hard to get your first meal. For sure, you need to learn to use the breath holds, become familiar with the gear and the environment. But there is something else. Fish, like most other animals (including humans), have an acute neuroception – their ability to observe and assess...
In strength training, when we apply a stimulus and allow for recovery, we see it “working,” – we know this because we get stronger and either the weight goes up, or the perceived effort drops. As we learn to drive when we get our licence, we know it’s “working” when not only do we seem...
When we learn of the importance of natural breathing, including the impact it can have on health, wellbeing, sleep and emotions, we have some options. Often, we look for the most efficient or direct. We are busy. A short practice here, a guided class there. It’s helpful, yet there is also more. Music is one...
Learned Helplessness is when an animal believes it can’t escape from a stressful situation, and it’s heart slows down instead of accelerating.  Usually in a stressful situation, the heart rate would race – but in a trapped situation, over a period of time, it will slow down.  Given too much stress, it would actually stop. ...
A little video today on intentional choosing, or more specifically, “choosing” to begin, start, act (or not to act) (If you are reading in your email provider, click on the email title above to take you to the post and the video.) I use these questions with myself and people I work with to help...
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