
A week ago, we went diving (in this case, “diving” refers to free diving, or spearfishing, not scuba diving) on the west side of the island. You could barely see the end of your spear tip in the water. Heavy current and very poor visibility. We managed to stay in the water for maybe 40...
We embark on a mission to train “strength” right now on Sunday, Monday and Thursday. It’s about 75 minutes per session. Ruby and I train together. It’s fun: barbell work, bidyweight work, some accessory work. There are three things that all of these sessions have in common, for them to be a successful mission: Warmup,...
For there to be a “winner,” someone needs to lose. To create competition through force, is to divide, or to seperate. Like a game of soccer. There is direction, one rises, one falls. Power though, is the amount of energy expressed per unit time. The energy comes from within, and moves outwards. It is non-directional....
The first day of a new calendar year. If you are a leader looking to level up the collective output, maybe there are a couple of easy things to consider implementing for the team to increase health, productivity and performance. Increase weekly light exposure. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), low productivity, low immunity, low energy production...
When you stop, do you maintaining the continuity of doing? Of everyday events? A set method and procedure? To cultivate inner silence, or to just witness as the observer, is to introduce an element that doesn’t belong in the planned whole. No procedures, no methods, no steps. It’s an interruption in the societal flow, to...
In March, we are starting the first round of the Access Potential Academy. This is a peer-to-peer, workshop style program for men, in which we have small projects throughout the year to level up personally and professionally. We are creating a stable, system of deep understanding, action and accountability. This is powerful. It is often...
“Sound meditation” – almost a bombardment of sound waves onto the body. The water molecules in the body itself actually vibrate or resonate with different frequencies. This, can be healing. It is a rich experience. Listening meditation is quite different. It is the receptive form. The passive form. In a world that is dominated by...
To keep studying how to unravel the knots beyond a point doesn’t help. Researching how to unravel a different knot can just fill the mind with more information – another knot! We can notice the breathing and let the knots exist. Feel their full tension, their full grip on the entire being. Patiently. Letting go...
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