
Below is a post I wrote on the site, which is a breakdown of the breath, connection and contribution pillars. Of course, nothing is fixed. Each of us is different. Our work, our biology, our needs and wants, our directions all vary. BUT, We also do have certain areas that we can work on that...
Sometimes, every so often – in a very rare event, I’ll talk about up-regulation of the autonomic nervous system.This is one of those times.Today I was walking in the park and decided to see if I still had a back tuck (back “flip”). I haven’t done this movement in months and I am not particularly...
Breath attention, conscious connection and powerful contribution are pretty effective tools for living a powerful and happy life, whether it’s in business, with your relationships, or even just for yourself. The fun part of course, is we all have access to all three. Right now. So, maybe the answer is closer that you think. Maybe...
Which shoe do you put on first? How many times do you check your emails at work after 1pm? These are patterns, or habits that we have, but they are typically also patterns that we don’t really know the answer until we really think about it, or record it. So what? So awareness of breath...
What’s a “Fulcrum”?? So, this term came from one of my friends and mentors with the breathing work, Cole Clayton. Cole talks about how we can create a “fulcrum” with our breathing.. A fulcrum can be defined mechanically, in terms of a lever, or it can be defined as something that plays a central or...
Post 309. After a short time away and offline in the Blue Mountains, writing continues. 11 days have been missed during silent retreats so far. More will be missed in the future. Sometimes, for whatever reason, this happens. We miss. We miss a day of our new habit – making it to the gym, prepping...
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