
“I don’t like this…” “Around here, we don’t like that…” “I’d never do it like those people over there…” Although common, positioning yourself against something else only rarely adds value. While it might feel good to raise yourself up in a “relative” sense, it turns out, it’s really just one world view contrasting against another...
We live in relationship. Spatially, emotionally, energetically. Our experiences themselves stem from being in relationship, beginning with sensory inputs. “It’s hot to touch,” “it sounds like,” “that is pretty..” Each of these draws not just on present relationships, but also on the past. “Relative to…” Considering this, the effort to cultivate generosity, possibility and empathy...
Connection, possibility, conversation… These are a few of the reasons why I chose to embark on the the Access Potential Podcast project a couple of months ago. So far, it has been a really rewarding project and 23 episodes have been recorded. Through this, I’ve found another medium to practice expression and articulation, as well...
“That being so, so what now?” Yes there are difficulties, you join the gym or yoga classes and it’s early, you are stiff, you can’t lift the same weights as someone else, you have a lot of work on, your mindset or energy feels “off,” the other people applying for the job are more qualified.....
Don’t get the best results. Even though, sometimes it feels like they will. When you walk through the farmer’s markets, there is always one stall using the shouting method: “for FIVE MINUTES only, ALL these LOVELY tomatoes FOR JUST THREE DOLLARS. FIVE minutes ONLY FOLKS, COME get your tomatoes…!”“ And on we go. Even from...
We can ask both intellectual and physical questions. What do you think of this situation? How can you move in this situation? When we are comfortable in a situation and yet still wanting to make improvements, the practice of asking better questions is often all that we need.
Particularly difficult to swallow. We create the project, but then it flops. We reach out to someone, but it lands on deaf ears. We start a new movement or exercise routine, but then we get injured. Bad outcomes can scar us from moving forward. However, all of these may have been great decisions, even though...
At the start of a triathlon there is usually an open water or ocean swim. Although there are usually wave starts, there could be up to 2,000 people waiting, ready to start on the gun. Of course, it makes sense to try and get yourself into a solid position. Who knows, maybe today you’ll swim...
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