
Love yourself and watch — today, tomorrow, always. – Gautama Buddha Self love is often either ignored completely, or spoken about in round-about terms when suitable, then seemingly forgotten. For some, the wording might be difficult, so perhaps self-acceptance or compassion may better, although ultimately these have different meanings. However, to be in meditation, in...
When we experience positive emotions, we usually express them whether verbally, or with a smile. In 1990, Paul Ekman began looking to see if it worked the other way. It turns out, that when people adopted (even “faked”) a “Duchenne Smile” – which is a full smile involving the facial muscles around the eyes –...
When the posture is simple (seated, lying down), we have an opportunity to explore some more complex breathing patterns. Many people want to jump straight into these advanced techniques However, it’s important to first establish natural breathing, which is increasingly rare in today’s fast paced world. In movement and daily life, the most beneficial breathing...
This morning, I took a movement and breathing class for 20 amazing women  in the wind and the rain at the beach. The choice to come or not could have been measure on temperature, comfort or convenience, but it wasn’t. They could have stayed in and slept, or had a warm coffee, but instead, they...
Increase awareness Cultivate emotional intelligence Take consistent action Forward focused, repeatable, simple… but not easy. To do it, we all use help. In the first step we use others – conversation, a coach, a mentor. We zoom out. In the second step we use tools – repeatable processes. Notice the nature of our thoughts, and...
In the day-to-day, it’s business as usual. Autopilot, the daily routine, back to back work, home, partner or kids and trying to fit in a workout. But sometimes, a disturbance! Sometimes chosen, sometimes unexpected, it’s the jack-in-the-box that springs up after we forget we are turning the handle after a while. In nature, this is...
“Is it not a very strange thing in this world, where there is so much distraction, entertainment, that almost everybody is a spectator and very few are players? Whenever we have a little free time, most of us seek some form of amusement. We pick up a serious book, a novel, or a magazine.” –...
There’s a great trade to be had in terms of developing insights. Let’s call it the difficult trade. It’s turning up to the difficult class that you don’t like and you aren’t any good at, but know is beneficial It’s leaving your phone at home for the day It’s reaching out and connecting with someone...
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