
The one strategy can only be awareness. To see a little more clearly. Maybe it’s our actions, our thoughts or our relationships. To pause, to use the breath as our friend, to come back to what’s happening and sometimes to ask for help or advice. As we do this together, our sense of connection grows....
As humans we are social creatures. We have these internal narratives that we want to fit in and we usually want to increase our “status” among our peers. Because these two narratives are so powerful for so many of us, and because we know this conditioning isn’t fixed, it makes our choice of environment and...
Once you know who you want to connect with and serve, the changes you want to make and how you want to feel, And once you understand that you have the tools to start doing the work to feel this way and create this change already (like yesterday.. we need you… now) Then the place...
Below is a post I wrote on the site, which is a breakdown of the breath, connection and contribution pillars. Of course, nothing is fixed. Each of us is different. Our work, our biology, our needs and wants, our directions all vary. BUT, We also do have certain areas that we can work on that...
To be in meditation is to be at peace and in connection with the entire universe. When we are considering, thinking, introspecting, we are not in meditation.  We might be sitting there, but still the mind is divided. So, it turns out that often we can use movement, training, dynamic meditation, walking, gardening, or other...
If your intentions are good, you are coming from a place of connection, or contribution, it is better to make the noise. It is better to create something, to start, to offer, to converse and to connect, than to not. With experts everywhere on social media, in books and the news, it can feel like...
Breath attention, conscious connection and powerful contribution are pretty effective tools for living a powerful and happy life, whether it’s in business, with your relationships, or even just for yourself. The fun part of course, is we all have access to all three. Right now. So, maybe the answer is closer that you think. Maybe...
To read, learn, study, even understand and re-propagate is separate to knowing. To mirror, reflect, emulate and imitate is aside from having experienced. Despite the amount of new leaders, facebook gurus and experts in any one field today, our own experience is the only way we can truly understand and learn anything of value. What...
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